
Stephen Hackett

Your Host

About this Episode

Stephen delves into the history of Relay FM, discussing the origins of the show Connected and the broader podcast network. He also explains his personal shift from blogging to podcasting and co-founding a business—balancing the needs of advertisers, co-hosts, members and of course, family.

Podcast case study: Connected at Relay FM (producer)

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Read a transcript of the episode as a styled PDF or in plain text.

Links and Show Notes

The Conversation Is the Work 00:00:00

A Little Patch of Land 00:08:36

Connected 00:16:51

Establishing the Network 00:19:42

Freedom to Build What We Need 00:29:41

Personal Changes 00:40:19

Two Sides of a Coin 00:44:14


Recorded and edited by Martin Feld, using Audio Hijack and Ferrite Recording Studio

Martin’s edit in Ferrite

Original podcast theme music by Alex Canion


A Special Note

Martin is a paid subscriber of Stephen Hackett's shared membership program for Relay FM; this did not influence any of the questions that were asked and did not place any expectations on Stephen as a participant of this academic podcasting project.